General questions
We see that Baltic society and consumers start to care more and more about our environment and climate. Sustainability as a hot topic is here to stay for a long time (forever).
But we noticed that in Baltic market a special sustainability guidance or tool is missing. We all talk about how to „save the planet“, but in reality how much do we know about what we as individuals could do? What could or should we change in our daily life to contribute to the big picture, locally and globally?
SEB has decided to prepare a gift, special My Footprint | SEB app, a real tool, which is free of charge for everyone, not only for SEB customers. We would like to support all consumers in their sustainability journey. Not to talk about what they shouldn’t do, but to give them a tool, where they can measure their carbon footprint, get advice as well as different tips and tricks and take part in challenges to achieve more sustainable living.
Corporate Sustainability has been part of SEB’s DNA for many years, but some of the work we have done hasn't been visible to the wider audience (one to one trainings and discussions with business customers about sustainability and their carbon footprint, Green Bonds, etc.).
Now it’s time to support private/mass customers. We have launched Green Leasing, My Footprint | SEB app, Green Mortgage. Those products are clear proofpoints that if you’re a SEB customer, you’re part of sustainable and green thinking.
All our sustainable communication and product launches have happened and will take place in the future under one tagline - „Your choices. Global changes.“
It enables you to make a shift towards more sustainable lifestyle. Inside the application it is possible to calculate your carbon footprint, which is based on your lifestyle and consumer habits, get guided tips on footprint reduction, participate in challenges sharing the results with your friends and learn how smarter choices will lead to more sustainable environment using a gamified and engaging approach.
Deedster is SEB's cooperation partner for providing the technical solution of MyFootprint application. Deedster was founded in 2016 by four executives and entrepreneurs from the capital markets tech space and sustainability advisory services.
Deedster’s starting point is the importance of individual awareness and action.
Deedster focuses on climate action at a scale, but each action doesn’t have to be that big or take much time. So they call them deeds – micro-assignments to start creating a better world.
The app can be used on iPhone 5 and newer and Android 6.0 Marshmallow and newer.
The iOS app can be found on App Store and the Android app in Play Store under the name MyFootprint SEB. It is available in Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian and English languages.
On App Store the app is called MyFootprint SEB, but it can be searched in local languages. On Play Store the app is localized, so there you will see different app names, depending on which country you are in - it will still be the same app.
You don't have to create an account, but the experience will be much better, if you do.
You can create an account based on your email address, and the email address is then verified to assure that we can reach you. If you forget your password, then follow the password reset link in the mobile app and the new password will be sent to your email address.
You won't lose your progress. All achievements and progress are saved and are linked to your account. Once you install the app on your new phone and log in, all your progress is also stored.
If you don't have an account, your progress will be lost, if the app is uninstalled.
Yes, the information is treated confidentially as per the Privacy policy that is approved on entering the app. A link to the Privacy policy can be found under Settings in the app.
Leaderboards list the usernames of participants with the highest amount of CO2 saved and highest number of deeds completed. Outside the leaderboards, you can see your personal progress and you can see your team’s progress against others. But you cannot see other people’s individual progress unless they choose to share it. Your footprint is only accessible to you and never shown to anyone else.
In case of any questions please contact SEB support
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App functionality
Get going by calculating your own carbon footprint directly in the app. On the Challenges tab, you’ll learn more about deeds - actionable insights, for you to try out - by yourself or together with your family and friends.
Share your favorite Challenge by:
- Clicking the Challenge menu bar icon and selecting the purple share icon on the Challenge card to invite a friend to a Challenge.
- Through the phone’s sharing function, you have now received a link that you can share via SMS, email, social media or in other ways that suit you.
If you want to join a team created by someone else, you will have to ask a person in that team to invite you.
It can be done from the Challenge view by pressing the button at the top "Invite a friend to my team".
Climate data
Carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by all of us – individuals, organisations, events, services, products. It is expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).
At this stage the footprint calculator is designed to calculate your personal footprint.
There is a logic to share the emissions of household heating over the number of adults in the household. That way you will only have "your part" of the heating emissions in the resulting footprint. The same goes for production emissions, if you own a car and for a few other factors.
This is up to you to decide. Most people only include their private consumption and instead involve the employer to decrease the corporate emissions as a whole.
It is a collective name for all greenhouse gases.
There are several different types of atmospheric gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Fossil combustion primarily gives rise to carbon dioxide, but e.g. cows produce a lot of methane, which is also a greenhouse gas. Methane is more short-lived than carbon dioxide, but gives almost 30 times higher greenhouse effect. To be able to talk about the effect of all greenhouse gases, they are converted to carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).
The Deedster carbon footprint is calculated using global, national and regional climate data, as it is available from trust-worthy public and private sources.
Different calculators use different ways to calculate (top-down or bottom up) and there are different boundary conditions used in the LCA ("Life-Cycle Analysis" - a calculation technique underlying most emission data). You can read much more about this in our Calculation Methodology document available here.
Deedster bases the learnings on scientific sources and reports.
At the same time, climate change and sustainability are complex areas and as different methods and perspectives evolve they keep up also with new results. They often consult with partner WWF, and independent LCA experts connected to academia and consultancies. For carbon data of buying transaction, Deedster bases it on data from Sustainalytics - a Morningstar company.
They also work intensively to give the user a fun, correct and effective learning experience. Data is important, but your actions are instrumental in this transition.
Deedster is using the research, models and data from open sources, from independent LCA experts and from their internal experts.
First questions concentrate on the factors that drive your footprint the most. After that more detailed questions in each category follow that give you more accurate results. The calculations are made from a life cycle perspective, which means that emissions are taken into account at all stages of the products’ life cycle, from production to recycling or incineration.
Yes, it is possible to add more detail to the footprint by clicking on the icon for a category of the footprint image. For each of the five categories there is a number of additional data that we can use to provide a more exact calculation – like carpooling, boat fuel etc.
Click Finetune and you'll find more possibilities to adjust according to your lifestyle. Deedster is constantly updating the calculator as new data appears and as opportunities for an improved user experience are possible.
Deedster asks you about your consumption habits and lifestyle in five categories: eating habits, housing, commuting, long-distance travelling and shopping.
Based on your answers, it calculates how many tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions this contributes to each year, measured in kilos of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e).
Public consumption, i.e. spendings of tax revenues (such as schools, hospitals and roads), is not included in your footprint. This normally constitutes 10-25% of a country's total emissions.
Climate change and sustainability
What science tells us is that we need to do everything that we can, all of us. Policy makers, companies, organizations and individuals. And as individuals we have a power to make change happen, both as consumers and as citizens.
There are small things you can do, and there are bigger changes - low impact and big impact actions. There are also long term actions and short term actions, some equal a direct carbon emission reduction, whereas others come with an indirect saving.
Science has also proven that raising your voice in your own community, or just doing deeds for others to see, is a major influence for others to start their own journey.
Emissions & calculations
We need to do everything we can to combat climate change. As individuals we have the power to influence the market and our own footprint through our consumption. But to reduce our emissions, we first need to understand the impact our purchases have on the environment.
To calculate the emissions of each transaction we use an approach that combines transaction details, country-specific environmental impact data, national data from official government agencies, and any information you provide in the app. It’s quite a lot to keep track of, so let us walk you through it:
First, we look at the transaction details, such as amount, transaction type and transaction category. Each transaction you make is classified by your bank according to the merchant’s business activity, which also indicates what type of goods or services you’ve purchased. Through these categorizations we can differentiate between, say, a purchase made at a clothing store and one made at the restaurant.
The next step in calculating the emissions is to map the transaction to its corresponding country-specific carbon intensity per euro (€), which is different for each subcategory. This monetary carbon intensity (in kg CO2e per €) is generated using a multi-regional environmentally extended input-output table (MR EEIOT). Through this dataset, we can estimate the environmental impact of consuming different goods and services on a country-level. We then cross-reference and verify the numbers with national data from official government agencies.
To increase the accuracy and personalize the transactions’ footprints we also look at the information you’ve provided in the lifestyle calculator, since many of your lifestyle choices impact the emissions from your transactions. For instance, a vegetarian meal at a restaurant will have a lower footprint compared with a meat-based meal, even if they cost the same. To account for this, we apply a factor to some transactions. This means that, for example, if your lifestyle footprint within food is low, your transactions will cause less emissions than those of a person with a high food-related footprint, even if the purchase amount is the same. In fact, if you answer all the lifestyle questions, including fine-tuning, we can get as much as 90 different datapoints to make the estimation of your emissions as accurate as possible. For specific subcategories, we also apply additional smart functions that use current market pricing data to account for varying prices of e.g. fuel and electricity.
Finally, when we’ve arrived at a number for the emissions of the transactions, we aggregate them into the five main categories (food, transport, shopping, housing and wellness & leisure) that make up your total transaction-based footprint.