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Contactless debit card Mastercard Business


It checks all the boxes

Tie the card to an existing business account or open an additional one to segregate the money for card transactions..
Order cards for your employees and link them to a single business account: specify the permitted transactions and the limits thereof for each card.
Pay for your business travel expenses, book plane tickets, hotels or rent a car.
Withdraw or deposit cash from/ into business account using wide ATM network.

In case you lost your card

  • Block the card by using the mobile app, Internet bank, or report this immediately by calling us at +370 5 268 2822
  • In case you still can’t find your card, a new one can be ordered in Internet Bank for business
  • Within one week, we will issue and send you a new card

Frequently asked questions

In case your card is lost or stolen, we suggest blocking it immediately. You can block the card:

  • in the mobile app (“Cards” → “Card” → “Blocking”)
  • in your Internet Bank (“Accounts and cards” → “My cards” → “Block card”)
  • by calling SEB Bank at +370 5 268 2800 (24/7) or on Skype

Yes. You can order a new card in the Internet Bank for business, section "Accounts and cards" → "New card".  We can send the card to your residential address, office address or anywhere else in Lithuania or abroad, wherever you usually stay or prefer to receive the card at. Sending by ordinary mail in Lithuania is 2 euros, by registered mail – 4 euros. The fee for sending the card abroad is 10 euros. We can send the card to the selected parcel machine. A fee of EUR 2.8 is charged for sending a new, renewed or replaced card via parcel machine.

The PIN code is issued to a cardholder and can be seen in the Internet Bank for private customers (use your own Internet Bank, not company’s), section "Accounts/Cards" → "My cards" → "View PIN code".

Yes. You can change the PIN code by using an ATM of SEB.

First you need to activate the card. You can do it either in mobile app or your Internet Bank:

  • in the mobile app (“Cards” → “Card”)
  • in the Internet Bank for private customers (“Accounts and cards” → “My cards” → “Activate card”)

Renewed cards can also be activated by using ATMs of SEB – insert the card, enter the PIN code and select "Card activation".

In Internet Bank for business you can change card settings for each cardholder. Select “Accounts / Cards” → “Payment cards” → “Cards list” and you will be able to:

  • set the card features you want, e. g. enable/disable payments abroad and on internet, contactless payments, as well as ability to use ATMs or pay at points of sales
  • choose whether you want a cardholder to see company’s account balance when using ATMs, also set payment limits
  • ·block the card

Upon the need you can set individual limits for each issued  company’s card and modify them using Internet Bank for business. A standard daily limit for cash withdrawal at ATM by debit card is 2000 euros. Maximum possible daily limit for cash withdrawals at ATM by debit card is 15 000 euros. A standard daily limit for payments by debit card is 3000 euros. Maximum possible daily limit for payments by debit card is 30 000 euros. The total monthly limit for payments and cash withdrawal by a credit card is in range of 5000 euros to 40 000 euros.

You can change cash withdrawal or payments limits:

  • in the mobile app (“Cards” → “Settings and limits”)
  • in the Internet Bank for business (“Cards” → “My cards” → “Change details”)
  • by calling SEB Bank at +370 5 268 2822 (I–V 8.00–17.00) or on Skype

Business service plan

More advantageous solution for your everyday financial transactions

Merchant solutions

Grow your business’ revenue by accepting payments in ways that are the most convenient for your customers - by using POS reader or our e-commerce solution


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Issuance and delivery  
The card usage fee1 EUR 2,50 per month
Card validity 4 years
Card issuance2 Free of charge
Urgent card issuance2, 3 EUR 30
Issuing new card if the old one is lost / stolen / damaged, if new PIN is issued or at cardholder's request before its expiry date (e.g., change of the cardholder’s name, surname, etc.) EUR 5
Sending a card by regular post in Lithuania EUR 2
Sending a  card by registered post in Lithuania EUR 4
Sending a card by regular post to another country EUR 10
Sending a card via parcel machine EUR 2.80
Collecting a card at SEB bank unit EUR 5
Card renewal (upon expiry) Condition4
Depositing of cash  
Depositing of cash into company’s bank account in euros using SEB bank cash-in ATMs in Lithuania 0,15 % of the amount
Total monthly cash deposit limit for all customer accounts and linked cards EUR 15 000
Cash withdrawal  
At cash dispensing shops when paying by card an amount not less than EUR 5 Free of charge from EUR 5 up to EUR 100
At ATMs of SEB bank and other Lithuanian and foreign banks 2 % (minimum EUR 3)
At partners5 points of sale 2 % (minimum EUR 2)
Other services  
Account balance at SEB Lithuania or other banks ATM6 Free of charge
Currency exchange fee in case of operation in other than the card account currency7 2,65 %
Obtaining a copy of the receipt in case of payment in Lithuania8 EUR 1,45

1 The charge is debited on the 28th day of each month. If the card agreement is terminated prior to maturity on the customer’s request, the bank shall be entitled to apply and debit the fee for the current month.

2 There is an additional charge for sending / collecting the card.

3 This fee is added to the card issuance fee.

4 On last month of the card validity, the balance of funds in the card account may be equal to 0 (zero) or positive.

5 Cash withdrawals from the terminals of “Perlas Finance”.

6 Checking the account balance in other ATMs of Lithuanian and foreign banks if they have provided such technical functionality.

7 For payment card holder transactions (e.g. payment at a point of sale or online, cash withdrawal at an ATM) by Mastercard payment card, if the transaction currency is other than euro, the transaction amount is converted into euro according to the exchange rate set by Mastercard International and valid on the day of the data processing. The relevant exchange rate applied by the international payment organizations is increased by the bank’s set 2,65 % currency exchange fee.

8 This fee is applied only if the customer is willing to receive the documents confirming the payment transaction by card and if identified that they include the cardholder’s signature or other data specifying that the cardholder paid by card.

Money transfer in SEB accounts. Transfer, made from regular or credit card account, to regular bank account linked to a debit card is credited immediately, regardless of the time of day it is transferred.

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  • Write your question in our chat and get a quick answer 
  • We have a dedicated team of professionals you can trust – call us at +370 5 268 2822
  • 90% of customers’ requests get feedback in less than 2 hours

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