Implementation of robotics process automation solutions in SEB Group's service center
AB "Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken" Vilnius branch is the service center of SEB group in Vilnius (SEB Global Services). It is a division of the international SEB group that provides business support services (performs operations, provides IT, personnel administration and financial accounting services) to the SEB group — its divisions in more than twenty countries around the world. SEB has chosen Vilnius because of convenient geographical location, talented specialists, developed infrastructure and opportunities to further grow together with SEB.

The project aims to use robotics process automation tools for 8 company processes:
- generation of audit reports for companies and private clients;
- TPS for registration of A/R elements;
- old payment processing Aquarius;
- change of ownership - by the seller's bank;
- managing the leasing portfolio;
- registration of changes to account conditions;
- Internet bank customer registrations;
- registration and removal of integration services.
The implemented robotization solutions will save the working time of employees devoted to routine repetitive operations, which can be devoted to higher value-added tasks and thus additional added value will be created.
The goal of the project is to automate company processes by implementing robotics process automation solutions. The project's activities are financial incentives for business service centers to develop and implement robotics process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions.
Funded according to the 2022-2030 development instrument No. 05-001-01-05-05 "Encourage companies to digitize" activity "Financial incentives for business service centers to develop and implement robotics process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions" description and project administration and financing rules.
The project is financed with the funds of the Economic Revitalization and Resilience Enhancement Plan "New Generation Lithuania" (EGADP).
The total value of the project is 178,955.32 EUR.
EGADP grant funds - 89,477.66 EUR.
The project executor's own funds – 89,477.66 EUR.
The project is implemented from 2024. January 2 until 2025 March 31.