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Money transfers


Different types of payments

Manage your finances in a secure and smart way
Pay your bills automatically
Apply for a service plan and transfer money for free to accounts in SEB and other European banks
Receive notifications for your payments and other activities

More about payments

Periodic transfer

  • Set the amount that must be transferred, to whom and how frequently
  • You won't have to do a thing because the money will be transferred automatically
  • Automatically make savings in a deposit or pension fund

Intrabank money transfer

  • Transfer money online quickly and conveniently from any location in the world
  • Apply for a service plan to transfer money in euros to accounts with the SEB free of charge

European payment

  • Quick and convenient money transfers to banks in Lithuania, European Union, European Economic Area countries, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
  • Payments up to 15 000 euros are made immediately, if the beneficiary bank is eligible for Instant payments
  • Apply for a service plan to make Instant and SEPA payments free of charge See more

Choose a plan that fits your needs

  • Use of the card without any card monthly service fee
  • Money transfers in euros without a commission fee to all banks in Lithuania and Europe 
  • Unlimited amount of bank accounts

A bank in your smartphone

  • Quick overview of your account balances
  • Convenient way to make and request payments
  • Manage your savings goals and bank cards


Want to make sure you find the most suitable solution?  


  • Our customer executives will help you find the best solution for you
  • We have a dedicated team of professionals you can trust

Register for consultation