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Service plans for your everyday needs


Service plans will give you more benefits

More environmentally friendly cards with service plans without additional charges

Instant trauma insurance
Purchase and travel insurance for credit card holders
Cash withdrawal from any bank ATM
Unlimited transfers with majority service plans

Service plans

Scroll the table horizontally, in order to see more information on different service plans.

Service name Standard fees YOUTH1 MINIMUM2 DAILY DAILY+ PREMIUM

An option to apply via internet bank

Automatically applied Apply Apply Apply Apply

Concluding, monthly fee

EUR 0 – 0-25 y. o. EUR 1
EUR 0.502
EUR 2 
EUR 0 – 18-25 m.
EUR 03
EUR 14

Payments to European countries via the internet5

EUR 0.33/payment unlimited number of payments 15 payments unlimited number of payments unlimited number of payments unlimited number of payments

Cash withdrawal at ATMs of SEB bank and other Lithuanian and foreign banks with any debit card (a limit is common to all available debit cards)

2% (at least EUR 1) EUR 600/month EUR 800/month EUR 600/month EUR 1000/month EUR 2000/month

Instant trauma insurance (free)6

single payout
EUR 50/year
single payout
EUR 100/year
single payout
EUR 200/year

One debit card without monthly fee7

EUR 1/month Debit Mastercard or SEB Mylimiausia Mastercard Debit Mastercard Debit Mastercard or SEB Mylimiausia Mastercard Debit Mastercard or SEB Mylimiausia Mastercard Debit Mastercard or SEB Mylimiausia Mastercard

Credit card issuing8, maintenace7

EUR 3 issuing and EUR 2/month, 
EUR 5 issuing and EUR 4.50/month
1 card, 
Mastercard Standard
1 card, 
Mastercard Premium

Minimum bank services9

EUR 1 unlimited number of accounts 1 account unlimited number of accounts unlimited number of accounts unlimited number of accounts

A possibility to add members11

2 members who will be invited to the DAILY+ service plan for which 80% of the price will be paid 2 members who will be invited to the PREMIUM service plan for which 80% of the price will be paid

Sending a debit card to customer by regular post in Lithuania


Sending a debit card to customer via parcel machine

EUR 2.80

Depositing of cash into your own bank account in euros using SEB bank cash-in ATMs in Lithuania in excess of approved standard EUR 10000/month limit

0.07% of an amount 
exceeding EUR
10 000/month

Digipass issuance12

EUR 15
EUR 8.4013

1 If you are aged between 18 and 25 (inclusive) and use another plan, terminate its agreement, and we will automatically apply the plan YOUTH.
2 Service plan MINIMUM corresponds to the service set of the basic payment account service approved by the Bank of Lithuania. The monthly fee of the plan for socially disadvantaged people from 1 January 2025 – 0.50 Eur. Non-resident customers who subscribe to a service plan are additionally subject to a minimum bank service fee for non-residents. All natural persons are classified as non-resident customers, other than those who are classified as residents. A resident is a natural person legally residing in the Republic of Lithuania or in any other Member State of the European Union or of the European Economic Area, United Kingdom, i.e. a person who, by virtue of the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania or of such other Member State has the right, respectively, to reside in the Republic of Lithuania or in such other Member State.
Concluding, monthly fee of service plan DAILY for customers onboarded via mobile app – EUR 0 for the first 3 months or up to 25 years (inclusive).
4 Concluding, monthly fee of service plan DAILY for individuals aged 18 to 25 (inclusive) – 0 Eur; for individuals who have reached the retirement age determined by the Law on State Social Insurance Pensions – 1 Eur.
5 In all currencies to other customer’s account within the Bank, according to bill or tax payment, under a standing order agreement, one-off e-invoice payment, European: instant and SEPA. For more information check here.
 The insurance service is free and is included in the DAILY, DAILY+ and PREMIUM service plans. With instant trauma insurance coverage, you or your service plan member will be paid if you or your service plan member experience a medical condition (injury) that requires you or your service plan member to go to the emergency room as a result of an accident. The insurance benefit is paid for one such event to you or your service plan member per calendar year and its occurrence must be proven by medical documents. The insurance benefit is paid within two working days from the submission of the necessary medical documents. The customer or their service plan member does not need an insurance policy to receive this coverage. Insurance coverage for the customer is valid from the day after the conclusion of the service plan contract until the contract expires, and for the service plan member from the date of agreement to become a service member until the member is removed from the service plan. Insurance protection in case of injury is provided by the Lithuanian branch of "SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE". This insurance cannot be purchased separately without a service plan.
7 No monthly fees of the oldest debit / credit card apply.
8 There is an additional charge for sending / collecting the card.
9 Bank account opening, maintenance, bank account closure, administration of incoming payments10. Non-resident customers who subscribe to a service plan are additionally subject to a minimum bank service fee for non-residents. All natural persons are classified as non-resident customers, other than those who are classified as residents. A resident is a natural person legally residing in the Republic of Lithuania or in any other Member State of the European Union or of the European Economic Area, United Kingdom, i.e. a person who, by virtue of the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania or of such other Member State has the right, respectively, to reside in the Republic of Lithuania or in such other Member State.
10 Administration of incoming payments in all currencies transferred within SEB Bank and administration of incoming payments in euro from other banks registered in Lithuania, the EU, the EEA countries, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Andorra and Vatican City State.
11 Your family members / friends / other acquaintances (up to 2 people), who are SEB customers will be able to use the same service plan free of charge, as your single monthly payment will cover the expenses of all the plan’s users. Please note that your monthly fee increases by 80% for each added user.
12 For customers without a smart device (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.), a digipass is issued free of charge.
13 For individuals who have reached the retirement age determined by the Law on State Social Insurance Pensions.

If you use only 1 bank account, 1 Debit Mastercard, make 15 or less payments per month, and you do not need the instant trauma insurance, consider subscribing to the plan MINIMUM (the basic payment account service regulated by the Bank of Lithuania). You can read more here.

Service plans calculator

Plan MINIMUM is not included in the calculator. If you want to choose this plan, you can learn more here.

Service Plans calculator example

Frequently asked questions

  1. Log in to your internet bank account and apply for a new Debit Mastercard.  On the menu bar, click “Cards” > “New card” > “Debit Mastercard” > “Apply”, and fill in the application).
  2. After you receive your new Debit Mastercard, log in to the internet bank again and subscribe to the service plan MINIMUM. On the menu bar, click “Additional services” > “Service plans”.
  3. If you already use one of our service plans, click the button “Change plan” and follow the instructions on the screen.
  4. If you do not use the service plan, click the button “Subscribe” next to the plan MINIMUM.
  5. After subscribing to the plan, activate the Debit Mastercard you have received, and don’t forget to close the old SEB Mylimiausia Mastercard: On the menu bar, click “Cards” > “My Cards” > “Block/close card”. In the screen that appears, select “Close the card” and click the button “Confirm changes”.

You can choose the most suitable service plan for you at the SEB Internet bank. Click “Additional Services” > “Service Plans” in the menu bar, select the appropriate plan and conclude a service plan contract.

You can also choose a service plan in the mobile app More > Service Plans.

You received information about service plans and their benefits in person in June through several or one of the following channels: e-mail, message via the Internet banking, SMS, paper letter. You can also find detailed information about service plans on our website. It allows you to compare service plans and choose the most suitable one for you.

Free instant personal injury insurance covers unexpected accidents that require a visit to the emergency room. The accident must be certified by a medical document issued by a doctor.

Insurance benefit – EUR 50 for customers with the DAILY plan, EUR 100 for the DAILY+ plan and EUR 200 for the PREMIUM plan.

The insurance benefit can be paid for one accident per calendar year. The insurance benefit will be paid within two business days after receiving all the necessary medical documents. The insurance is valid until the end of the service plan contract.

To use this insurance you do not need to have a credit card or sign a separate insurance contract, it is enough to be a user of the service plan.

Yes, free instant insurance against injuries is also valid in foreign countries. Documents certifying the insured event must be submitted in Lithuanian or English (or an official translation into one of these languages must be provided)

In this case, you can:
•    Terminate your Service Plan contract with us free of charge. You can do this by clicking More > Service Plans > My Plan > Terminate Contract in the mobile app; or by clicking Additional Services > Service Plans > My Plan > Terminate Contract, or by visiting the bank branch. If you terminate the Service Plan contract, we will charge you separately the rates specified in the price list for the use of each bank service.
•    Terminate the General Agreement concluded with us free of charge (i.e. terminate the bank account, payment card and other service contracts concluded with us). You can do this by sending us a message via the Internet banking (click on Messages > Write new message) or by visiting a bank branch.
•    Use a limited-use account if you do not use payment services, but you need the account to accumulate and administer credit, leasing or deposit payments. 
•    Use the account transfer service free of charge and, with the help of another payment service provider of which you are a customer, transfer the payment services linked to your bank account (periodic payment agreement, SEPA direct debit agreement and periodic receipts)

For many years, we have been paying great attention to the financial literacy and entrepreneurship education of children and youth. Therefore, with our services and their pricing, we want to encourage children and young people to familiarise themselves with banking services and thus learn to sustainably manage their personal finances. 

There is no need to order the YOUTH service plan. This plan is automatically applied immediately after opening the first bank account for persons under 25 years of age (inclusive). It expires on the day the person turns 26.

Yes, when ordering the DAILY service plan for persons between 18 and 25 years of age, the customer will automatically be charged EUR 0 for the contract and monthly fees.

Members can be invited to use certain service plans (DAILY+ AND PREMIUM): family members, friends or other selected persons (up to two people) who are customers of SEB bank. Invited members will be able to use the same service plan without additional fees, and the customer who invited them (the inviter) will pay an additional 80% of service plan price for the invited members. 
The inviter can add/cancel members through the internet banking (by concluding a new contract or by adjusting the existing one), as well as by visiting the bank branch. The invited member, upon receiving the invitation, will have to accept it and only then will he/she be able to use the benefits of the service plan.

When the inviting customers wish to change or change their selected service plan, previously added members will be automatically removed.

The customer can choose whether to include members and decide how many. It is important that the number of members included does not exceed the maximum possible number of members, which is two persons.

This insurance service applies to purchases made by credit card holders, paid for by a credit card, both in physical and electronic stores worldwide. Purchase protection insurance protects the insured person’s purchases against damage, destruction or loss due to any sudden and unexpected event for up to 6 months from the date of purchase.