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Internet Bank for Business

  • Modern and user-friendly
  • Compatible with accounting software systems
  • Possible to personalise user rights and limits

Constantly putting our best effort to improving our services to make them convenient, easy to use, and accessible to everyone, we are renewing our internet bank. 

More modern in design, easier to use, and supplemented with additional functionalities – this is the updated internet bank that we are aiming for.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Make sure that you start at our official web page by typing on address line and move to internet bank via the webpage. Do not use search engines, such as Google or Yahoo!, as these might offer you fraudulent pages.
  2. Check if the internet bank address starts with “” and Also, it would be good to review and confirm that the certificate is issued to AB SEB bankas.
  3. After opening the webpage, carefully inspect whether its design and functionalities are correct. When the webpage is cloned by the fraudsters, functionality, as well as the visual part may not be complete and correct. Therefore, please pay attention to the following aspects:
  • Homepage or login page look – is the visual is correct and you can open different texts / tabs, meaning that the functionalities work without malfunction?
  • Authentication means – are all of them available? E. g., on our internet bank page, you can choose from all available authentication means, whereas in fraudulent pages, you might miss some of them
  • Language change – does it work correctly? When you change the language on a fraudulent page, it might not change or be switched to a different one

Yes, it is safe to use the chatbot on internet bank. The solution is already being used on our website, and has proven its worth. Chatbot will help you find answers to your questions, as well as connect you to our customer support. 

The moon symbol is a switch for changing the theme of the internet bank to dark. Your theme selection will be remembered, until you delete the page cookies. 

There are two ways to change the language that you want to operate in: First, in the upper right corner of the login page. The second way is to log in to the internet bank, and then to switch the language at the bottom left side of the page, near the moon symbol.

If the internet bank is not used actively, the session will end in 5 minutes in accordance with the requirements of the European Union regulation (PDF) on strong customer authentication. At the same time, the internet bank can determine whether you are actively using it. For example, if you are filling in a payment form, typing or moving the mouse, the session will not be timed out.

What can you do in our internet bank?

  • Learn balances of bank and payment card accounts
  • See the funds turnover and account balances of all the companies within the group
  • View the history of transactions performed from the banking web site over the last three months
  • View, print out and download account statements in CSV or ISO20022 XML format
  • Transfer money to accounts with banks registered in Lithuania (make a local money transfer)
  • Transfer money to accounts opened abroad (make an international money transfer)
  • Buy and/or sell currency
  • Pay for public utilities (for instance, supply and consumption of electricity, gas, water and heat)
  • Pay for telecommunications, insurance and other services
  • Check and pay e-bills received from vendors or service providers and choose to pay them automatically
  • Sign a periodic payment agreement
  • Transfer funds from the loan account
  • Transfer wages to the payment card accounts of the company’s employees
  • Pay for products or services at online stores
  • Sign and terminate a deposit agreement
  • If you have signed a securities account management agreement, invest online in:
    • Shares of Lithuanian and foreign (in more than 40 countries) companies
    • Exchange-traded funds linked to the index of commodities or other financial vehicles in the selected country, region or sector
    • Traditional investment funds traded by the SEB Bank or third parties
    • SEB bonds
    • SEB structural investment vehicles
    • Savings bonds of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
  • Get latest updates on your investments, markets, etc.

You can file an application asking to:

  • sign a service plan agreement
  • pay out a factoring prepayment
  • issue a guarantee or change the terms of an existing guarantee
  • open a letter of credit or change its terms
  • pay out funds in cash
  • adjust the details of an international payment order
  • cancel a payment order
  • pay against direct debit orders
  • Connect to the online tax return system of STI
  • Connect to the online service system of the Centre of Registers
  • Connect to the online service system of “Gjensidige“ insurance
  • Connect to the online service system of the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications
  • Obtain income and/or property return statements

To send us a message from the internet bank, select menu item “Messages” —> “New Message”. Upon receiving your message, in line with the requirements defined for the respective service, we can:

  • Accept your request to cancel or adjust your local or international transfer order
  • Accept your request to prepare a copy of money transfer, SWIFT, certificate or statement
  • Accept your request to add or remove a company feature for your employees
  • Change the limit on cash withdrawals from ATMs
  • Renew a company card or mark that the card should not be renewed automatically
  • Accept your request to terminate a card agreement

When you log in to the banking web site, you confirm your identity, therefore we can provide you with detailed information about your payment cards, bank accounts and other services you are using.

Please note that once you have sent us a message from the banking web site, we will provide you with information and services having regard to the rights defined for you as a user in the Agreement on Electronic Services signed with the company you represent.

Opening hours of the web banking and social networks division:

Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 to 20:00

If you are authorised to change the terms of this agreement, by logging in to our banking web site you can:

  • Allow or prohibit other individuals, for instance, selected staff members, to manage the corporate accounts (you can authorise only users of SEB’s banking web site with an digipass to manage your accounts online)
  • Allow or prohibit persons specified in your agreement to perform specific transactions, file applications and conclude agreements from the list provided on the site
  • Set the transaction, daily and monthly limits by specifying the largest amount which can be transferred on the banking web site within a certain period.

If you sign an Agreement on Electronic Services at a bank unit and order the automatic account updating service, the banking web site will always display all of your accounts – both previously opened and new bank and payment card accounts.

How to change the terms of the agreement? (in Lithuanian)

You can increase or reduce transaction limits and adjust the terms for transferring funds and the amount of rights expressed in percentage, but not on better terms than stated in your agreement for automatically updated accounts

If several users are authorised to change the terms of your company’s agreement, other users will see the changes made by the first user after selecting menu item “Agreements and Applications” —> “List of Applications” and can confirm or cancel them.

  • Download reports on fees and charges collected at the bank
  • Download a report on the actions of corporate staff on the banking web site

This is a sample list of services provided on the banking web site which informs you about the available services. However, it cannot be treated as the bank’s obligation to make all of the listed services available to you.

Manage your company funds and banking services conveniently in a secure online environment

  • Daily banking operations (account balance and statements, payments, securities transactions)
  • Apply, change, sign and terminate agreements
  • Compatibility of the Internet Bank with various accounting software solutions simplifies daily operations
  • Flexible administration system of user rights and limits

User rights

Flexible administration system of User rights allows to assign different User rights for different Users to carry out operations and to view information.

Daily services

In the SEB Internet Bank for Business, you can  you can make transfers, securities transactions, view account statements, sign and manage contracts.

Financing and leasing

In the SEB Internet Bank for Business, you can  you can get an overview of your loan and leasing agreements, the balance of your obligations.

Importing and exporting files

Using internet bank for business you can import payment orders in the ISO XML format.

Saving and investment

In the SEB Internet Bank for Business, you can:

  • open term deposits
  • see existing deposit contracts
  • see an overview of the company's investment portfolio and the possibility of make transactions
  • see received dividends information


While using our internet bank, your funds and data are secure because of the multi-tier data protection system, which prevents unauthorised persons from accessing your account. Your internet bank can only be accessed by using unique authorisation codes provided by various authentication tools – Smart-ID, Mobile-ID, Mobile App or digipass.

Login tools and electronic signatures

While using our internet bank, your company funds and data are secure because of the multi-tier data protection system, which prevents unauthorised persons from accessing your account. Your company internet bank can only be accessed by using unique authorisation codes provided by various authentication tools – Smart-ID, Mobile-ID, SEB Mobile App or digipass.

How to start?

To sign the agreement of Internet bank for business, please register for a video meeting or visit your nearest SEB branch.

Prices and conditions

SEB's banking web site is accessible free of charge.

Issuing a digipass EUR 15.00
Issuing a digipass for private individuals of retirement age determined by the Law on State Social Security Pensions EUR 8.40
Replacing a digipass EUR 8.40
Amendment to the Internet Bank agreement made by a bank employee* EUR 10

* Applied if at the bank's sub-branch, during a video advice or in any other manner the bank employee makes amendments to the Internet Bank agreement, which amendments can be made by the company’s administrator on the Internet Bank. Other amendments are free of charge.


Service If the order is given at the Bank If the order is given via the Internet
Conclusion of standing order agreement EUR 31 free of charge
Money transfer under a standing order agreement Fee which would be applied to the customer for the same type of payment order provided via the Internet is charged Fee which would be applied to the customer for the same type of payment order provided via the Internet is charged

1 Charges are not applied if money are transferred between customer’s own accounts for purchase of saving and investment instruments. Charges also are not applied if funds are transferred to SEB Bank account with purpose to cover customer’s liabilities to SEB Bank.

Intra-bank payments in all currencies At the Bank via the Internet
Payment between customer own accounts within SEB Bank EUR 5.001 free of charge 
Payment to other customer’s account within SEB Bank EUR 5.00 EUR 0.33

1 Charges are not applied if money are transferred from savings deposit account or for purchase of saving and investment instruments.

If the payer's and the payee's accounts are with SEB Bank, money transfer is executed on the same banking day.

Bill and tax payments at the Bank via the Internet
Money transfer according to bill or tax payment - EUR 0.33

This money transfer includes:

  • all transfers in foreign currency (other than in euro) to other Lithuanian-registered banks or other countries
  • transfers in euro to banks registered in other countries, with the exception of the European Union, the European Economic Area countries, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino and Andorra
  • money transfers in all currencies if the payee's or payer's account number is not in the IBAN format

The complete list of payment currencies in which cross-border transfers are carried out

Standard cross-border payment at the Bank via the Internet
OUR1 EUR 34 and other banks charges EUR 24 and other banks charges
SHA2 EUR 23 EUR 13

A standard cross-border payment order is executed after 2 banking days, if the payment order is submitted by 10:00 p.m. on a banking day.

If the payment order is submitted after above mentioned time or on non-banking day, funds transfer will be executed one banking day later.

Urgent cross-border payment at the Bank
OUR1 EUR 50 and other banks charges EUR 40 and other banks charges
SHA2 EUR 36 EUR 26

An urgent cross-border payment is executed next banking day, if the payment order is submitted by 3:00 p.m. on a banking day. If the payment order is submitted after above mentioned time or on non-banking day, funds transfer will be executed one banking day later.

In case of CNY, INR, QAR, SAR currencies, no urgent cross-border payments may be executed

Express cross-border payment at the Bank via the Internet
OUR1 EUR 90 and other banks charges EUR 80 and other banks charges
SHA2 EUR 65 EUR 55
An express cross-border payment is executed on the same banking day, if payment order submitted in
  • EUR, USD, CAD, GBP by 4.30 p.m.
  • BGN, CZK, KZT, MXN, RON, RSD, UAH by 10:00 a.m.
  • DKK, HUF, PLN by 1:00 p.m.
  • CHF, NOK, SEK by 3:00 p.m.

If the payment order is submitted after above mentioned time or on non-banking day, funds transfer will be executed one banking day later.

In case of AUD, CNY, HKD, ILS, INR, JPY, NZD, QAR, SAR, SGD, TRY, ZAR currencies, no express cross-border payments may be executed.

1 OUR – a payer pays SEB Bank and other bank commission fees. Other bank commission fees are debited from the payer's account.
2 SHA – a payer pays SEB Bank commission fees, the payee pays other bank commission fees, except where a fee cannot be debited from the payee's account in accordance with the rules set by the other bank.

Member states are the countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area.
Only shared charges (SHA) are allowed if payee‘s bank is registered in the European Union  or the European Economic Area country, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Andorra. Cross-border payment to the countries listed above are not executed if the bank fees are paid only by the payer (OUR).

Foreign currency is a currency other than the euro.