SEB bank's comment regarding targeted inspection by the Bank of Lithuania
In January–March 2020, the Bank of Lithuania conducted a targeted inspection of AB SEB bankas, during which it assessed, among other things, its money laundering and terrorist financing risk management, customer due diligence procedures as well as compliance with business relationship and payment transaction monitoring requirements. The inspection covered the bank’s activities carried out in 2019.
Raimondas Kvedaras, Chairman of the Management Board of SEB bank in Lithuania:
"SEB bank in Lithuania has always paid and continues to pay attention to the area of anti-money laundering and terrorism financing prevention. We apply effective prevention measures and systematically work to strengthen our internal processes, constantly invest into new technologies, following both international and local legal acts. We also provide ongoing trainings to our employees, strengthening their knowledge on how to identify and prevent potential money launderingand terrorism financing.
This AML on-site of Bank of Lithuania is the third in a ten years row at SEB bank in Lithuania. Over this period, the Bank of Lithuania has identified no significant deficiencies.
We believe we are on the right path fightingfinancial crime. This is our highest priority."