Home Loan
- Loan amount of up to 85 % of the market value or price
- Agreement fee – 0,4 % of loan amount (min. 200 Eur)
- Maturity – up to 30 years
- Interest rate considered individually
Loan for real estate purchase without collateral
- Credit amount of up to 100% of the real estate purchase price
- Loan amount from EUR 5,000 to EUR 40,000
- Interest rate from 7,9%
- Maturity from 12 months to 7 years
- Agreement fee – 1,5% of credit amount (min EUR 75)
- No collateral or down payment
Loan for home energy efficiency
- Credit amount from Eur 4 000 to Eur 40 000
- Interest rate from 4.9 %
- Repayment term from 1 to 7 years
- Agreement fee – 1.5 % of credit amount (min. Eur 50)
Home loan and home equity loan typical example for calculating annual percentage rate
If a loan of EUR 100,000 secured by real estate collateral is granted for the period of 25 years and 300 loan instalments based on the annuity method will be made, the total amount to be paid by such borrower will make EUR 166,874.41, monthly instalment – EUR 547.91. The annual percentage rate will make 4.62 per cent. Annual percentage rate showing the total cost of a loan is calculated by including the below instalments made within the entire loan period:
- 4.3 per cent yearly variable interest
- EUR 400 agreement fee
- EUR 8.6 mortgage (pledge) registration fee
- EUR 1 per month minimum fee for main banking services
- EUR 70 dwelling insurance annual premium
Note. Property valuation costs and the commission for the services provided by a credit intermediary are not included.
Annual percentage rate and the total amount to be paid by the borrower are calculated considering that the loan is disbursed on the agreement signature date and that the terms of the agreement, interest rate and fees do not change within the entire loan period, and the terms and conditions of the agreement are timely implemented. If you fail to fulfil or unduly fulfil the terms of the loan agreement, the risk exists that you may be deprived of the ownership right to the pledged real estate. The mortgaged real estate must be insured in favour of the bank during the entire loan period.