SEB Pensija life-cycle pension funds
The fund is chosen according to your year of birth and does not need to be changed until retirement. Life-cycle pension funds are unique in that their investment strategy changes as you approach retirement age, i.e. the share of risky investments is gradually reduced so that you can accumulate as much supplementary pension as possible without taking inappropriate risks and without having to change the fund over the entire accumulation period.
The service is provided by UAB SEB Investicijų Valdymas. The pension fund distributors are AB SEB Bankas and the Lithuanian branch of SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE.
SEB Pensija life-cycle pension funds since establishment are among TOP3 funds according to earned returns in Lithuania.
Source: Bank of Lithuania, 2024 09 30.
The accumulation contribution is made up of two parts: 3% of your pre-tax salary and an incentive contribution from the state budget in the amount of 1.5% of the national average wage.
You do not need to worry about transferring contributions – they are administered by Sodra. Contributions are only paid for the periods during which you receive taxable income.
The funds are accumulated in a personal pension account and invested in accordance with the pension fund's strategy. You can use them once you reach retirement age, or they can be inherited.
Choose according to your year of birth:
Fund information1996-2002
Fund information1989-1995
Fund information1982-1988
Fund information1975-1981
Fund information1968-1974
Fund information1961-1967
Fund information1954-1960
Fund informationUntil 1954
Fund informationPillar 2 pension benefits
When you reach retirement age (or are awarded an early old-age pension), you are entitled to use the funds accumulated in the pension funds. The method of payment will depend on the accumulated amount.
When you reach retirement age, you can choose not to take any action and continue to accumulate in the funds if you are still receiving taxable income or want to leave the funds as an inheritance, or you can apply to the pension company and conclude a pension benefit agreement.
Instead of taking out a lump-sum or periodic payments, you can also choose to acquire the Sodra pension annuity.
Lump-sum payments are made for accumulations of EUR 5,403 or less (or for accumulations above EUR 64,841).
For accumulations of EUR 5,403 - 10,807, the funds are divided in equal parts and paid out in periodic payments until the age of 85.
For accumulations of EUR 10,807 or more, you will acquire a Sodra pension annuity that will provide periodic guaranteed payments for the rest of your life.
More about Pillar 2
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Frequently Asked Questions
The Pillar 2 Pension is an important part of the Lithuanian pension system. Every month, the contribution to your chosen Pillar 2 Pension fund consists of two parts: 3% of your gross salary and a 1.5% incentive contribution from the state budget, based on the country's average wage. These contributions are invested in financial markets through your pension fund manager, with the aim of growing them over the long term. The purpose of saving is to provide additional retirement income and help individuals secure their financial well-being in the future.
You can view all your pension information, including your accumulated Pillar II Pension savings and your age-appropriate fund, in your SEB internet bank.
As you approach retirement age, investment risk decreases. Choosing a fund tailored to your age can significantly impact your pension size over the long term by balancing growth and stability.
20+ years until retirement
At the beginning of the savings period, you can take on higher investment risk by choosing funds that invest more in shares.
10+ years until retirement
As you approach retirement age, you can reduce your investment in shares by choosing moderately active funds that also invest in bonds.
<10 years until retirement
Before the retirement age, you can choose a more conservative pension fund that invests more in bonds to better preserve your accumulated capital.
Only licensed fund management companies, such as UAB "SEB Investicijų Valdymas", are authorized to manage Pillar II Pension funds. The investment management process is carefully supervised by the Bank of Lithuania.