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Third pillar pension funds „SEB pensija plius“ - Pension Funds


Pension Funds

Four pension funds are tailored to participants by age group and allow for more acceptable investment risk throughout the lifecycle of saving for retirement.

In order to achieve optimal investment returns, it is advisable to choose a pension fund first and then change it over the life cycle according to age: for younger people - to a fund that invests in equities, and as you approach retirement age - to a fund with a higher proportion of bonds and a lower proportion of equities to reduce short-term fluctuations in the value of accumulated assets. You choose the fund yourself and the fund's investments are managed by professional pension fund managers.

Criteria „SEB index. Klimato ateitis“ „SEB pensija 18+“ „SEB pensija 50+“ „SEB pensija 58+“
Recommended for participants aged up to 50 years old up to 50 years old from 50 to 58 years old from 58 until retirement age
Suitable if short-term fluctuations in financial markets are acceptable and it is understood that higher long-term stock market returns are associated with higher risk short-term fluctuations in financial markets are acceptable and it is understood that higher long-term stock market returns are associated with higher risk the aim is to increase the value of the accumulated assets and the average risk of stock market fluctuations is acceptable the aim is to keep the investment risk low and the accumulated funds to be protected from the fluctuations of the financial markets
Investment strategy of the fund up to 100 percent fund assets are invested in shares
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up to 100 percent fund assets are invested in shares
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40-60 percent the fund's assets are invested in shares, the rest in bonds
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80-100 percent fund assets are invested in bonds or other conservative parts of the asset class
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