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Interest rates


Term deposit

  • The minimum deposit is EUR 100 / USD 100
  • Interest rates are effective as of 07 February, 2025, 9:00 a.m.
  • We calculate the interest on term deposit on daily basis, and round it to 4 decimal places on a daily basis
  • We disburse the interest to your bank- or term deposit account upon expiration of the term of the deposit 
  • We do not disburse neither the deposit, nor the interest, in cash
  • If you have a term deposit agreement with an automatic extension, at the time of the agreement extension, we will apply the interest rate applicable at the beginning of the extension day. If the deposit agreement is extended on the day when we change the interest rates, the new rates will come into force only at the time we specify, and will not apply to the extended agreement
Term Annual interest, %
Days / Months EUR USD
30 to 59 days / 1 month 0.00 0.00
60 to 89 days / 2 months* 0.00 0.00
90 to 119 days / 3 months 2.00 0.00
120 to 149 days / 4 months* 2.00 0.00
150 to 179 days / 5 months* 2.00 0.00
180 to 209 days / 6 months 2.00 1.35
210 to 239 days / 7 months* 2.00 1.35
240 to 269 days / 8 months* 2.00 1.35
270 to 299 days / 9 months 2.00 1.60
300 to 329 days / 10 months* 2.00 1.60
330 to 364 days / 11 months* 2.00 1.60
365 days / 12 months 2.00 2.10
366 to 729 days / over 12 months 1.75 2.10
730 to 1,094 days / 24 months 1.50 2.60
1,095 to 1,096 days / 36 months 1.25 2.60

For choosing individual term in days a new agreement should be conclude only at the SEB bank unit.

The bank does not accept term deposits longer that 36 months . Interest is not calculated for deposits longer than 36 months.

* A new term deposit agreement can be concluded for this period only in the bank unit.

For more information about deposits, applicable terms and interest rates please call +370 5 268 2800 (I–V 8.00–20.00) or visit a SEB bank unit of your choice.