A possibility to get a refund of up to EUR 300 per year
For a tailored calculation for you, please enter your details. Please note that the tax information provided is based on the currently valid regulatory enactments in the field of taxation, which may change over time. The tax result may vary in each case. The calculated values are preliminary and the final amount will be calculated when you submit your tax declaration. In order to receive the refund, you must submit a personal income tax declaration.
By concluding unit-linked or III pillar pension accumulation agreement until 31st December 2024, you will be able to use tax benefit and receive up to 300 euros annually for another 10 years. Tax benefit applies to contributions paid in one year to II and III pillar pension funds contracts and/or unit-linked contracts of no more than 1,500 Eur. Whilst the total amount of expenses cannot exceed 25% of your taxable income per calendar year. Tax benefit will not be applied to unit-linked agreements and/or III pillar pension accumulation contracts from 1st January 2025.
You don’t have to be a specialist – we will assist you in selecting the premium investment plan
- The investment plan should be selected with regard to the accumulation period and acceptable investment risk.
- Both the clients willing to take risk and aiming for higher return and the cautious clients agreeing with lower return and aiming to prevent drop in value of their investment will be able to select the most acceptable investment plan among those offered by SEB.
- Having evaluated your needs we will select an acceptable method of investment management – actively managed or passively managed (index) funds.
- SEB investment plans ensure not only a competitive offer of funds, but also some of the lowest fund rates.
- We will assist you in making a decision that best suits your needs. Register for a free of charge consultation and our managers will advise on the investment risk acceptable to you and assist you in selecting a suitable investment plan. You will be able to change the selected investment plan on SEB’s Internet Bank free of charge during the entire period of agreement validity, if necessary.
Pension benefits
You will be able to use the accumulated funds whenever you need them. If your agreement period has passed 5 or more years and not more than 5 years are left until the old-age retirement age while receiving a benefit, the accumulated amount will not be subject to taxation at the end of the period.
After expiry of the agreement
Upon premature agreement termination
Insurance benefit in case of accident or inheritance of the accumulated funds in case of death
Useful information
Information in this document about the unit-linked life insurance service offered by SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE Lithuanian branch is submitted for marketing purposes. It may not be interpreted as a personal recommendation or an instruction to invest and may not be deemed to be the basis or a part of any deal to be executed later. Irrespective of the fact that the content of this document is based on the sources that are deemed to be reliable, SEB bank and SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE Lithuanian branch will not assume responsibility for any inaccuracies or losses which may result from the actions taken on the basis of such information. The specific taxation depends on the individual circumstances related with you and may be subject to changes in future.
The investment return is related to risks, its value may increase or decrease and previous positive return does not guarantee the same result in future. In certain cases, the losses may exceed your initial investment. In case of investment in the financial instruments denominated in a foreign currency, fluctuations in the exchange rates may have impact on your investment return.
You will be responsible for the investment decisions made by you, therefore before making thereof you should familiarise with detailed information and strategy of a specific investment plan and assess yourself or with the assistance of consultants whether inflation or exchange rate fluctuations or changes in the market interest rate or any other events which do not depend on the intentions and actions of SEB bank or SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE Lithuanian branch may result in decrease of your investment value.
Before making any investment decision, we recommend you to familiarise with descriptions of the investment plan and prospectuses of the funds you invest in under such plan, to obtain more detailed information about the characteristics of such financial instruments, benefit and risk factors. You may receive such information by calling at +370 5 268 2800 or by visiting any unit of SEB bank.
Clients, who do not meet the criteria for entering into the insurance agreements specified in the standard insurance rules, may sign the insurance agreement on the individual terms.
Please note that the services described here are not intended for investors within the jurisdiction other than that of SEB bank units providing these services and that investment opportunities, authorisation to invest and investing in locations of certain jurisdictions, including the United States of America, Canada, Japan and Australia, may be unlawful. SEB bank may not advise on investment issues, promote investments, solicit or offer investments where any such may be unlawful. If you live or read information on this website at a location within the jurisdiction other than the one of the SEB bank unit which provides this information, you are responsible for compliance with the laws and other legal acts which may be applicable to you. If you need more information, please contact your SEB bank account manager or any SEB bank unit.
Disputes related to the insurance contract are resolved through negotiations. If no agreement is reached these are being looked at in out-of-court basis in accordance to with the procedure established by the legislation at the Bank of Lithuania (Gedimino pr. 6, Vilnius, more information at www.lb.lt) or in the courts of the Republic of Lithuania.