My task is to connect customers with the bank

- Title: Client Implementation Specialist, Cash Management Client Services at SEB Global Services centre in Vilnius
- Education: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- Personal interests: Skateboarding and fiddling with electronics
Antoniy is an electronics and IT professional, who has chosen to apply his expertise in a client-facing capacity. He is responsible for establishing connections between SEB’s IT infrastructure and customer IT systems. “Each customer is unique and I have to investigate each case separately in order to create an individualized solution. That’s why my job is so interesting,” says Antoniy.
How did you join SEB?
Before SEB I spent three years in a web hosting company creating IT content. About five months ago I saw a job ad for a position in SEB that seemed interesting and was aligned with my skills. SEB is a well-known company in Lithuania and an attractive employer, so I applied and got this job. My current position combines my education as an IT engineer with my previous work experience where I had a customer-facing role. I was also interested in learning more about banking in general.
What are your responsibilities?
When a company – and here we are mainly talking about large or mid-sized companies from Scandinavian region – decides to become a customer of SEB, before we can start to collaborate we need to establish a connection between their accounting and financial systems and our IT infrastructure. That is my responsibility. I have to get in touch with the customer, understand what kind of systems they have and what services they expect to receive from SEB, so I can instruct our development team to create a tailor-made solution for the client.
How does your typical workday look like?
There are twelve people on my team, and we have regular meetings to plan our work. Most days I have meetings with customers to discuss technical details, update them about the progress etc. There are new challenges every day because each customer is unique and requires an approach which is both individual and creative. In my position I don’t have to do any coding, but am collaborating closely with our IT developers and engineers who are developing IT solutions for the customers.
What are the things that motivate you?
The most important thing for me is continuous learning. I have been here for only five months, and I still have a lot to learn. There are so many different details which seem small at first, but can have a big impact on customer’s satisfaction. I know that even my senior colleagues are still learning, as technologies are developing constantly. I also enjoy working among smart and professional people. Everyone I have had to collaborate with so far has been very forthcoming, knowledgeable and helpful.
What are your ambitions for the future?
For the immediate future I want to learn more about my current role, accumulate more experience and become a more skilled expert at what I do. I am currently studying for a master’s degree in cyber security, so in a few years I will look for opportunities to move to a position within SEB which is related to cyber-security.
What are the things you like to do after work?
Aside from my master’s studies which currently demand a lot of my free time, I like to long-board and skateboard, and I even use my electronic board to commute to work. Given my education, I like to mess around with electronics, building small robots or small electronic devices as a hobby. Doing maintenance work for my car, for instance an oil change or a brake job, also sounds like fun to me.
More about Cash Management Client Services department